Our Board Of Trustees In Zimbabwe

Thabbeth Cotton
Director / Founder
Mrs. Cotton holds a B. A. in Legal and Social Studies. She is also a registered nurse. Mrs. Cotton is particularly passionate about helping the marginalised. Having helped trace family members, re-integrated children into society and supported foster parents, she has proven to be caring and compassionate. Mrs. Cotton has been working with disadvantaged families in Zimbabwe for over 18 years. This involves roles such as establishing self-help programmes, literacy instruction, establishing pre-schools, advocating for children’s rights, and establishing a number of youth programmes.

Dr. Ndiweni
Dr. Nomathemba Ndiweni (PhD) is a Biochemist by training. She worked at universities as a lecturer, senior lecturer, dean and Pro-Vice Chancellor. Ndiweni currently serves as Commissioner and Deputy Chairperson of the Public Service Commission in Harare.

Mr. Ndlovu
Mr. Lovemore Ndlovu holds a Bachelor ofAccounting Sciences which he studied at the University of South Africa. Ndlovuis currently enrolled at Chartered Institute of Management Accounts. He is alsoa Deacons Board Chairperson at the Bulawayo City Presbyterian Church. Ndlovuhas a track record of making a direct or indirect impact on anorganizations/company’s success, and has the ability to work within demandingaccounting cycles. He also holds various professional memberships withInstitute of Bankers in South Africa, Chartered Institute of Procurement, andInstitute of Certified Bookkeepers & Accountants.

Bishop Ncube
Vice Chairperson
Bishop Ncube is currently the presiding Bishopat the New Life for All Fellowship Church. He is very passionate aboutministering hence Ncube was born again at the age of sixteen and got involvedin Scripture Union leadership during his High School days. Ncube holdscertificates in pastoral ministry, leadership and is currently studyingTheology in South Africa. He also holds various posts including; board Chairmanand Vice Chairman for two NGOs, Provincial Treasurer for Evangelical Fellowshipof Zimbabwe, and Coordinator at Bulawayo for Jesus Mission.

Mrs. Njaya
Mrs Njaya is a multilingual professional and highly articulate teacher of English language, literature and Ndebele with twenty-three years teaching experience. Njaya has also been a voluntary teacher at Bethel Community Project in Manchester (UK). She is a confident communicator, team player and an avid member of a Toastmasters club. She holds a B. A. General from the University of Zimbabwe. Njaya is also passionate about sports, holding the position of Teacher in charge of Netball.