Voices In Development


In the rural areas, technical vocational training and skills development are rarely accessible

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    Create employable citizens with a development acumen
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    Promote youth to respond and adapt to new social-economic opportunities and trends
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    Incorporate rural youth in a contemporary global skills' development programs which match other global leaders.
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In the rural areas,technical vocational training and skills development are rarely accessible. VID provides post-secondary-education skills in both formal and informal settings.The main targets are young people, equipping them with basic Information Computer Technology (ICT) understanding, research capabilities, analysis skills and co-operative leadership training. The project identifies socio-economic opportunities that pre-exist in the rural areas of Matobo and Umguza.

These objects are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) put forward by the United Nations in 2015. The vision of a poverty-free world by 2030 is a critical step towards Zimbabwe being a sustainable country. VID is focusing on goals related to poverty, hunger, health, wellbeing, decent work, economic growth, industry,innovation and infrastructure.

VID is working side by side with ‘Dare to be Different’, attracting advanced level as well as unemployed youth. Both Sethule programmes focus on behaviour change,life-transforming experiences and motivational skills training. Programmes are evolving and growing to reflect the needs associated with employment and leadership.